Monday, November 29, 2010

Artist Statement

Sometimes the answer is as simple as "Because".

For me being a cinematographer is matter of purpose. Horses run, monkeys climb, and I shoot.

 It's a deceptively simple mantra. I don't have any grand notions about what an artist does or doesn't do. I don't even consider myself an artist. I'm just doing what I feel like I'm suppose to do, and I believe it's that sense of purpose and instinct that drives my work.

My first real experience as a filmmaker was shooting a short documentary about teens coming of age in small-town Alabama. For me, this was a foundational experience. I learned how to tell a story and communicate through visuals. It was trial by fire and the resulting images weren't always the best, but there was a sense of earnestness in many of the shots that came from following my gut. Although I've since moved on from that exhilarating first foray into documentary and into a variety or other styles, I feel like there is a piece of it carried into every project. It's still early, and my journey as a storyteller will surely be filled with it's share of road-blocks and frustration. But during the hard times, I take comfort in the simplicity of my "Because". It's the answer to 14 hour shooting days, early call times, and blown shots.  Whether the project is a small backyard shoot with friends or a large film set, I come to shoot with wide eyes and eager hands. Most importantly though, I come to shoot because it's what I'm supposed to do.


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